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Burnt out? Now what?

Wed, Nov 16


Burnout series

Too often, burnout carries a stigma of individual weakness, that someone “can’t hack it,” which makes people reluctant to be honest about it. So team leaders must provide psychological safety, or a culture where people feel secure enough to take risks and share problems without fear of punishment.

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Burnt out?  Now what?
Burnt out?  Now what?

Time & Location

Nov 16, 2022, 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM CST

Burnout series

About the Event

Burnout is becoming a new Severe Symptom of the 3 year pandemic. Causes

There are several organizational risk factors for employee burnout, but six domains have been identified by researchers:

  • Work overload: Having too much work weakens the ability to meet job demands and leaves little opportunity to rest and recover.
  • Control: Not having an influence on decisions that affect work is a clear factor for burnout.
  • Reward: A lack of recognition or reward (financial, institutional, or social) devalues both the work and workers.
  • Community: Conflict or a lack of support and trust in relationships degrades employee loyalty.
  • Fairness: Fairness refers to decisions at work being perceived as fair and equitable. Workers tend to gauge their value in the community on the quality of procedures and their own treatment during the decision-making progress. Not being respected can lead to cynicism, anger, and hostility.
  • Values: Values are ideals and motivations that originally attracted people to the job. They motivate workers beyond money or advancement. A conflict between individual and organizational values forces a trade-off between work employees want to do and work they have to do.

Employee burnout can impact workers and organizations in three primary areas:

  • Negative individual reactions: Burnout is linked to job dissatisfaction, low organizational commitment, absenteeism, intention to leave the job, and turnover. Burnout makes it more likely for workers to leave the company, and those who stay tend to have impaired quality of work and lower productivity.
  • Negative impact on colleagues: Workers experiencing burnout negatively impact colleagues by causing greater personal conflict and disrupting job tasks. Burnout can perpetuate itself through social interactions at work.
  • Negative impact on health: Burnout contributes to burnout, and burnout contributes to poor health. Of the three dimensions for employee burnout, exhaustion is the most predictive variable of stress-related health outcomes. Exhaustion is linked to symptoms like headaches, chronic fatigue, gastrointestinal disorders, muscle tension, hypertension, cold/flu episodes, and sleep disturbances.
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