VP Property Management
Job Location
Relo/On Site
UP to $200K
About the job
Must Haves:
• Lower income housing experience
• Bi-Lingual in English and Spanish
• Having dealt with 1000’s of units
• Provides clear direction for operations within Property Management ensuring that the Company financial and business objectives are being achieved.
• Responsible for the preparation of the annual property budgets, with input from all involved: PM Director and staff, VP of Acquisitions and Asset Management, Accounting, and with final review by the COO and President.
• Works closely with the VP of Real Estate Development to establish budgets and management practices for new real estate developments.
• Work closely with Vice President of Acquisitions and Asset Management and CFO to evaluate financial performance against benchmarks established by investors, lenders, and the properties’ operating proformas.
• Sets performance goals by project, related to industry standards; monitors performance, adjust strategies as needed...
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There's a reason there's not a job description here. You are more than your resume, this role is more than a job description :). You're looking for more than a job, the company is looking for more than a resume. If you are looking for the right fit for your career, let's discuss and see if this is a fit!